Mission and Goals


To enhance and ensure the long-term survival of the native ecosystems in Victoria public areas through identification, preservation, encouragement, re-establishment and education.

How is this accomplished?


• Identify and document the native ecosystems throughout Victoria by investigating historical records and maps, and performing on-site observations.


• Preserve the native ecosystems through appropriate bylaws, protection covenants and on-site design such as fences.


• Encourage the native ecosystems to continue to grow and prosper by removing invasive species.


• Re-establish the native ecosystems through the addition of appropriate soils, flora and fauna.


• Educate the public and workers on the importance of native ecosystems through various methods such as on-site signage, maps, brochures, website exposure, plus encouraging and interacting with local community, city departments and other groups.


Victoria public areas:

 the City of Victoria public parks, greenways, trails, road ways and right-of ways.

Native ecosystems:

 the soils, flora and fauna in the area before significant changes due to man made influences.